Q: How can I tell I am projecting vs being present?

Q: How can I tell I am projecting vs being present with what is?

You can tell if you are being Neutral. If there is a charge, some kind of underlying reaction, then it ceases being present. It is now a problematic projection.

All Events start out Neutral. Then you come in as the Universe inserting a meaning, an interpretation, a definition.  What is causing you to make this effort?

An emotional charge? Look closer. This emotional charge was already there. Why do you wish to justify or prove that this charge that is already inside of you, exists by broadcasting it out?

This is why the Universe projects. To prove its existence. Do you need to do that?

We can only project what is already inside.

We make nasty projections towards others when we have nasties in ourselves. We make fantastical projections towards others, pedestaling them, when we avoid putting ourself on the same pedestal. We demand to be seen in a loving way from someone who does not have the love inside of them to project.

A projection is simply broadcasting what is inside of you. A problematic projection is the urge to prove and provocate. When you set out to prove yourself your broadcast will cease being Authentic. Real. Kind.

The Mind starts out Neutral.

You came in neutral when the incarnation started. You end up neutral when the incarnation is over. Everything starts out neutral until you give it a perception. That perception will then seek to become a definition that you then give. When it becomes defined, you've now made it matter. When we make something in the mind matter, the universe turns it into matter. We make things matter. Unknowingly and knowingly.

If we are tethered to the realm of duality, what we have made matter manifests through duality such as “good things” and “bad things”, “angels” and “demons”. We put these things into motion. The essence of existence still remains neutral and unconditional, its we that condition it with meaning.

When you say “I can see what you mean” you are allowing yourself to go beyond your limited definition. You are neutral enough to see through multiple perceptions. You are closer to God in this state.

When you are comfortably relaxed in the infinite-blankness that is the essence of Gods Mind, you are no longer operating. You are being. You are only operating when you start perceiving.

You operating is perhaps what you came here to do. But think for a moment about how many times you have operated to make that person matter more than your own internal state? How you made that event matter more than your own peace or satisfaction?

Ultimately it is you that is in charge of your perceptions and projections. You may choose to make these positive so to contribute to the overall scheme of life, and/or you can drop the effort entirely and find the appreciation for what is occurring. The first will inevitably lead to exhaustion, but the second will lead to a transformation. When you express what is appreciated, you exonerate yourself, your beingness and your experience. You are no longer trying to prove it. You are It. This allows creation energy to flow towards you.

When the Goddess of the Waters visited me on the coast line of Goa, India, it was her powerful presence that showed me how none of this matters. Only the breathe. In that breathe I found presence to the point that I became acutely aware that the tiny sand granule on my toe was breathing too, the salt particle in the air was kissing my lungs, and the chaotic sounds that were around me vanished into the pure silence of right now. This presence lasted for One minute before the chaotic sounds came back, the wind hit my face harshly and the energetic whirlwind of Goa showed me the anger I was still carrying in the body. In one minute I was shown what was possible and what was holding me back. I call that an Awareness. Awareness of what is Real surpasses any construction of meaning my insecurities hope to apply to people and events that happen.

We spend too much time making things matter and miss what makes life so worth while, rich and magnificent already.

Amma Lu

Copyright © Amma Lu. Share with credit and link back to original post.


Q: Please share from your experience how you ended neediness?