Amma Lu

Founder of Love Rising

A Love-led movement that helps intuitives, empaths, healers and creatives transcend the trap of the mind, and stay in their Spiritual Gifts & Power.

The Love Rising Movement

Love Rising is a space that accelerates the Liberation of Consciousness. Its gift is the transmission of the Creator's Unconditional Love Frequency to all whom wish to be freed from judgment, mental entrapment, and suffering.

To heal is to become whole. In wholeness, all that is left is Organic and Infinite.
To be a Healer is to become a Liberator. To Liberate is to Stand at the epicenter of your Natural Self, Always.

— Amma Lu


My Story

Born Jamie Lu to an American Marine Corp father and a Filipino mother, I was born in the Philippines and raised in America. Filipinos have a strong spiritual center despite being widespread catholic. My family was very secretive about anything spiritual or psychic and shunned their own connection to the energy world in favor of modern day paradigms. So, when I had Oracular abilities as a child, I did not have a safe space to confide or share within my own tribe. I ended up dimming my gift. I later discovered that my gift to see energy was the key to unlocking the joyous life I am living now.

By age 5, I could feel energy. I could change it with my hands. I was aware that everything was coming from One Energy. I saw the One in everyone. I had an enormous love and curiosity for people. Then one day a misguided filipino man threatened my mother at knife point for having a mixed race child. This event caused my father to move us to America where he thought we would be safe. A few days after we left for the States, the super-volcano Mt. Pinatubo made an historic eruption, and our village house was annihilated in the ash. To this day, I was aware that the man with the knife was working for us, not against us.

In America, I was visited by Mother Mary’s energy. She spoke to me. I was intuitively shut down, so I didn’t understand what it was she was saying. But I knew her energy and I knew her message had something to do with big changes that were going to come about for the world. It was around 7 years when I started receiving visions about a New Earth and I was told that I was here on Earth “to do great things”. I felt puzzled to have this awareness without any reference point. It became yet another one of my back-burner thoughts I would keep to myself.

In America, everything seemed to fall apart for my family. I grew up bullied and targeted. My parents divorced and dad was notoriously difficult to be with considering he was a career war veteran with PTSD, a man with emotional neglect and a violent communicator — a behavior picked up from his abusive father. Raised by dad, I learned more about discipline and military level achievement than what it was to be loved as a daughter. Going to school, I went through many rounds of bullying and violent targeting for being different and looking different. “Chinese bitch” was something I heard many times, as was “girls don't amount to anything”.

With my gifts shut down, all the love and higher connection I had became dimmed and forgotten. It was as if the energy of pain was trying to convince me that people were terrible, but I just kept seeing that they were hurt and that’s why they were hurting me.

Atleast I had Art. My artistic talents led to a design career straight out of high school. I was doing well. I moved myself out of dad’s house and into my own. When I was promoted top in my company, that’s when all of the trauma caught up with me. At 22, I became severely ill with heart problems, breathing issues, severe chest pain, with an overloaded gallbladder and liver. I had to stop working, move in with my mom and immediately start a vegetarian diet.

Doctors and specialists did not offer any clarity as to what was happening in my body, were conflicted on a diagnosis and sank me into tremendous debt. When the doctor told me I was not going to make it past 40 years without surgery, I felt angry. Real Angry.

It was the first time I ever acknowledged anger. As a child, I was too busy surviving and protecting myself to even recognize that I was experiencing anger most of the time. Now in a moment of crisis, I realized this feeling. This is how trauma works. It hides itself deep in layers until life triggers it to come out — and it will, again and again, until we heal it.

The First Miracle

My body told me that it had the wisdom to heal itself. Surprised to hear this, I asked how? I really tried to solve my problems the normal way, with everything the functioning world taught me — and I knew I didn’t have the right tools. The knowledge I was given was limited and useless.

So I surrendered into the only thing I had left — my feelings. The only feeling there was, was rage. I removed the judgement I had of rage, the shame of having it, and I just let it be a pure sensation that I felt. This is one of the most important tools we need to utilize to keep ourselves well; Confronting the sensations we feel. It was like I travelled through the sensation. Then the sensation became a collosal purification of fire that brought me into an altered state for the very first time. In that state, an electrical bolt of light shot up my spine, hit the center of my head (pineal gland), and I just knew in all of my bones that my heart was cured. Doctor confirmed it shortly after. I was only 22 when I experienced my first spontaneous healing event.

But the underlying traumas were still not healed

So I went back to the life I knew. Became excellent at my career. Moved myself into a penthouse in the middle of San Francisco. Many would think I was an empowered young woman for creating wealth from sheer talent. I felt zero empowerment. True empowerment is given from the Divine, not from money. I was tremendously successful and put together, but on the inside, felt terribly unfulfilled and unhappy. In fact, the more accomplished my clients seemed to be, the more hidden traumas and imbalances we would find in the sessions.

In 2012, something significant happened. Finding myself reaching the heights of success, another health crisis struck. Unresolved trauma will continue to cycle through ones life, creating patterns, until dealt with. My triggers tended to happen right when I uplevel. This time it was fatigue, my thyroid growing to the size of a lemon and the failing of my digestive health.

So I made a change. I chose to prioritize self-care over work. Living in California exposed me to healthy eating, yoga, silent meditation retreats, and hot springs. These practices became my routine, and in six months, I regained access to my Intuition. My higher connection came online. I began understanding more about my life circumstances and what I needed to do next.

The guidance was clear: I was living a lie due to societal conditioning and needed to leave everything — the career, the life I built, and the country to find what was correct for me. I remembered the instant healing event I experienced with my heart, and decided that I was ready to learn from spiritual teachers about my abilities. My guidance told me to go to Bali, a place I knew nothing about, but I got a one way ticket, and did just that.

The Second Miracle

I saw an internet meme that said “Everything is working for you” and the truth of that landed in me. I was motivated from my own spirit to take actions to change my life. I was motivated to see things differently and brand new. I was determined to face my own resistance so I could be free.

In Bali, my calling took off quick and teachers were placed on my path to support me. I learned from an Indonesian Master Energy Healer who attuned me to a Kundalini Christ Light Energy that was healing his clients fast. He single handedly caused me to purge toxic energy in 24 hours of receiving his transmission. I studied for 3 years with a Usi Reiki Master who was a Quantum Physicist shunned for her fringe beliefs. She also facilitated the purge of negative energy, and taught me the most profound principles about our Spiritual Anatomy and the Quantum Universe that led to my gifts fully opening later on. I then became certified in Access Consciousness Bars, Body processes and entity removals. I spent 4 years in this modality and it cleared blocks I didn’t know I had, blowing my whole world wide open. I continued to learn from every energy master that crossed my path, including a Medical Intuitive from France, a Mystic healer from Spain and a Doaist Master from China who saw my energy and claimed that I was one of the most powerful healers he had ever met. I felt he was seeing my potential, so I made a commitment to myself, to do whatever I could to honor this Gift from Source.

I not only sought the training and wisdom of Healers, I also sought peace of mind. It was what I deeply wanted. Peace. I took to world travel and spent time with enlightened teachers, many becoming my friends. Soon, the Crown Chakra started opening and I experienced the remembering of Heaven. The world around me changed from a dense one to a bright one that was visibly more radiant, sparkly and viseraly lighter. In this state, I was instantly manifesting from an empty mind. People around me were all happy. I felt nothing but love and peace. No influence of thought or desire. When my crown chakra opened up, I was flooded with Christ Consciousness and found myself in the Unified field of the Organic Universe. I had transcended the prison trap of the mind and left the false matrix. However, I was only able to hold this incredible frequency for 3 days as the wounding in the body brought me back to the density.

I knew I was given this gift to taste what was on the other side of our Ascension — the New Earth — without having to die or leave my body. I knew what was possible and begrudgingly accepted that my task now was to go within to heal the pain body so the whole body can stay in the Light Frequency of the Organic Universe where anything is possible.

I asked for Guardianship and that’s when my teachers in the Spirit realm came online. The Buddha Mother, Quan Yin, made a prominent presence in my life and healing work. Thanks to years of rest, self investment and dedicated study under the tutelage of teachers, all of the incredible healings, activations and openings made it possible for me to make such an enormous leap.

So Spirit gave me the courage to share professionally. My gifts were blown open at this point. I could transmit healing energy through the hands and my entire body would over-heat with Life Force. I could sing in a powerful voice, tones and sounds that activated correction instantly. I could sense and know where the blocks were in a person’s body, watch it clear and see how it connected to their Soul journey and manifestation of Life. I was guided through every step.

After starting my practice and serving hundreds of clients, word spread, and more clients started to come from their country to see me in Bali. Results were astonishing. Lives were changed, and some even saved. However, I was still putting in a tremendous amount of work and as a result, getting sick. I felt like I was stuck in some kind of toxic pattern of success then burn-out. So I continued my education, and took up training in Theta Healing, which helped me discover and clear my limiting beliefs.

So many miracles happened during this time of transitioning from normal life to a spiritual, heart-led, adventurous life where I was free to express God’s Gifts. My happiness and Great Love for Humanity returned and clients started to experience spontaneous physical healings. I came to find out later, that when an Energy Worker has attained Unconditional Love in their Hearts for All People, the gift of spontaneous physical healing can open. One must have Great Love for Humanity to be a vibrational holder of this frequency. Usually we go through initiations in a past life to attain it. I share this gift that comes through as Rainbow Light in the Sound Healing. It is the frequency that puts an end to all judgement and this allows the body to release it’s pain. This lined up with what I experienced with my heart healing. Finally, I had answers, things were falling into place and I was living Correctly, fulfilling my Soul’s Purpose Work.

The Second Crisis

Everything I learned in Energy School through all of these lineages and Quantum modalities cleared me and raised my frequency to the highest I had ever experienced. I was going on healing tours, serving thousands of people world wide. My clients were benefiting tremendously. I was living the life I loved, yet carrying around remaining undigested pain & trauma. So it was again, I found myself in success then crisis. This time through relationship.

I was 30 years old and wanted “the One” in an external partner. I knew we were all interconnected but I didn’t yet see how the One was in me. The wounded parts were stuck in the illusion of separation. Everything is One, of the One Energy, the One God Source — as a child I felt this. But as an adult, I lived in a body of fragmentation. No amount of knowing the ultimate Truth that All is One Source, was helping my body Live it.

So my wounds reflected back to me in my first marriage. I married a man that turned out to be incorrect for me. The relationship left me drained on all levels — emotionally, physically, financially. I was unable to be there for my clients and my practice went silent. Anger revisited me in that relationship. Now having the tools and knowledge about emotional energy, I allowed anger to shoot me through another rapid purification. I knew what I had to do at that point. It took everything I had to file divorce and re-start my life from scratch.

The Third Miracle

While healing my heart from the divorce, something incredible happened. I was in California at the time, and Mount Shasta called to me telepathically. I took my suitcase of possessions and drove to the sacred Mountain, not knowing where I would stay. I spent time meditating in the forests. I was guided to sit on certain rocks and be with the energy. It rekindled my connection to the Great Mother, Quan Yin and Mother Mary and they reminded me, “Here, Now, I am One with it all”. I could tell my energy was lining up and synchronizing again to my Higher Soul. I felt full from head to toe. The neediness for a man to fulfill me was gone, in it’s place was God Source Energy. In a few days time, I met Seth Adam who is now my beloved partner.

He claims that after meeting me, he had to leave his 9-5 job as he became spiritually activated in his purpose work. He invented the OmniCore — a new sacred geometry device that is the most powerful scalar harmonizer I have ever encountered. This tool is used today in our Retreats and Healing sessions and is responsible for many instantaneous healing events in our clients.

Seth and I were happy but struggling as entrepreneurs living in expensive California. Even though I was working with more clients at this time, we barely made enough to pay for rent and food. I found peace among ashrams and enlightened sages in Asia who had nothing, so I did not stress about having very little. To me, materiality is an illusion that traps us in more suffering. However, I was not living in a temple, nor was an entire community taking care of me so I could take care of my community. So Seth and I agreed that we would create our life from a new abundance that allowed our Soul’s work to touch the entire world. That’s when our Life Path together sank in. I started building investments, and he, being a craftsman, built us a tiny home on our friends land so we could start somewhere.

The Third Crisis

I knew I had to get back to Asia, as my place was not always going to be the USA. I told Seth, that I felt more supported in my healing practice outside of America, and he became inspired about the idea of living an adventurous life, world-schooling. So I started creating retreats that would bring us to different destinations. The first place that called us was Hawaii. I worked with the energy of Haleakalā in Maui, singing and bring my Crystal Sound Bowls to work with the Mountain there. We channeled tremendous Light through our clients and the planetary grid. Everything we were being guided to do during the Retreats was benefiting the world in it’s planetary ascension and our clients in theirs.

Spiritually, I found myself riding another incredible wave of purpose and bliss, this time with a companion. Sure enough, just around the corner was another crisis. When we came home to our tiny house, we found it was broken into. Most of our meager possessions were gone. Then as if it couldn’t get any worse, we lost most of our investments, and all the money we were hoping would launch our dream, was gone. Meanwhile, I was receiving gratitude letters from many of my long-time clients whom had become millionaires and living their dream life. It seemed it was effortless to help others but to help myself with my own medicine was impossible to do.

The Shaman Awakens

We decided to start a fire to burn the pile of rubble that the thief left behind. In that pile, there was a book. We tossed the book and everything else that was left into the fire. The next morning, the only thing left from the burn was a piece of a page from the book. The words on the page read, “The Shaman Awakens”.

Through meeting the energy of our situation head on, I remembered the traumatic memories of deprivation, poverty, hardship and neglect I felt as a young girl living with my overbearing father, and the conflicts he would have with mother. The feelings of heart ache from being bullied by mobs of kids for being myself. Revisiting these feelings, I knew life was calling me to go deeper into my self-healing work then ever before. I felt I was missing a piece of the puzzle. Like I was close but still resisting the last piece needed for me to have stability in my life. After a terrible experience with a money coach, I realized I was not to approach this from a logical or external way. It had to be internal and energetic.

I took my Rainbow Light and everything I learned from the Master Healers, Shamans and Sages and started to work Shamanically within my Dreamtime — the Subconscious realm. I did a full review of my life. I began to deeply integrate all of what I went through in Life, every initiation, to get to the Wisdom in my Bones. I finally found the patterns and it led me to investigate the theme of opposition and punishment. It took me some time, and there were many moments I wanted to give up, but I started to unravel these unresolved traumas, seeing how deep they went, and what it would take to weed them out of the body.

I devoted several years to that focus. During that time, I went through seismic transformation, my prayers were answered by illuminating the unconscious. I wrote the Guide Book to Liberation that is now the basis of the Energy Healing we do within Love Rising. Seth and I went through tremendous growth together, growing apart and then coming back stronger. He had realizations and I had realizations. No matter how crazy the journey of change became, our Love blossomed through the changes and so did our resolve.

What will it take to Complete the Pain Cycle?


I realized that to be a great Healer was to become a Liberator.

We must go deep enough to tap the well of Wisdom within.

We must break our addiction to self-help and over-working.

We must clear our dependencies, attachments and distortions of our Soul’s Truth.

In the depth, I reclaimed my Spiritual Power with the might of a Phoenix and began to do the One Thing needed to end the control trauma had over my life. I was shown exactly how to do it with the same Rainbow Energy that allows for physical healing, and how it will help the masses move from stuck to liberated flow quickly and effectively.

Today, I live the life that was meant for me, All from the Infinite Love & Wisdom of our One Prime Creator. I enjoy mentoring empathic healers, passing on these revolutionary tools and seeing their true abundance come alive. Now I no longer waste my energy burning-out and creating crisis and that’s how I know it is possible to live free from the past.

You can be a Liberator and work with this energy too. For Initiates, we first learn how to listen to your own wisdom that leads you to God directly, and go through purifications and clearing of blocks to raise your Spiritual Frequency so you can hold the Rainbow Light. Then we go deep into completing remaining trauma patterns, integrating your body. This way you can be anchored in your Higher Soul and thrive in stability no matter what happens in the world around you.

One day fast, the dependency on pharmaceuticals and psychiatrics will fade away. Everyday people will awaken to self-healing abilities, healing each other through energy alone. The complete freedom from pain cycles will become a big part of this movement.

Many Souls will emerge as Healers and Liberators for their communities. Healing and Retreat Centers will flourish, fostering the transition from old energies to the new, guiding us to a Natural Harmonic free from suffering.

As people awaken to their sacred power to Heal and Create their Lives, what we once thought we needed, will suddenly become unnecessary, and fall away.

The Future is positive; what stems from fear will eventually purge, and you will see this reflected in world events more and more.


How to Get Involved in this Revolution


Come to a Retreat or Workshop near you to have a healing experience.

*Amma Lu no longer gives 1-1 healing sessions


Work on your personal transition into Liberation, go deep into transformation with Amma Lu.


Train and Practice the Methods of Liberators and Gifted Intuitive Healers.